Date tehnice
Product number | 113595 |
EAN | 4003718058086 |
Debit maxim l / h | 3100 LPH |
Max. Cap de livrare în m | 35 M |
Max. Înălțimea de aspirație în m | 8 M |
Max. Presiune în bar | 3.5 BAR |
Acționarea pompei | 1 treaptă |
Protecție împotriva funcționării în gol | Nu |
Greutate netă în kg | 6.5 KG |
Masa brută în kg | 7.5 KG |
Filtru | Nu |
Puterea energetică | 580 W |
Lungime cablu în m | 1 M |
Marcă | AL-KO |
Gama de produse | Ușor |
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Informatii de siguranta | Soon you will find the safety information here |

Dirty water is referred to: sediment-rich flowing waters, brackish water (mixture of salt and fresh water), flood water, pond water (if inlet without filtering)
Dirty water is therefore water with suspended and sedimentated matter as an admixture in the medium.
Domestic waterpumps has the advantage of pumping automatically. Often electronicly controlled and with a pressure tank. Pressure pumps delieveres water pressure but with an on/off switch system. Forexample to to run a garden sprinkler system.
Having the pumps certified for drinking water would require fulfill many legal requirements and this would make the device too expensive. Most of the pumps and domestic water supply systems in this category are not intended for drinking water.